jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Ansible: Create new RDS DB from last snapshot of another DB

Promote command does not work on Ansible. So I am trying to create a new db as a replica of an existing one and after making it master , delete the source db.

I was trying to do it like this:

  1. Make replica
  2. Promote replica
  3. Delete source db

But now I am thinking of this:

  1. Create new db from source db last snapshot [as master from the beginning]
  2. Delete the source db

How would that playbook go?

My playbook:

 - hosts: localhost
     source_db_name: "{{ SOURCE_DB }}" # stagingdb
     new_db_name: "{{ NEW_DB  }}" # stagingdb2
   - name: Make RDS replica
       module: rds
       region: us-east-1
       command: replicate
       instance_name  : "{{ new_db_name  }}"
       source_instance: "{{ source_db_name  }}"
       wait: yes
       wait_timeout: 900 # wait 15 minutes

# Notice - not working [Ansible bug]
   - name: Promote RDS replica
       module: rds
       region: us-east-1
       command: promote
       instance_name: "{{ new_db_name }}" # stagingdb2
       backup_retention: 0
       wait: yes
       wait_timeout: 300

   - name: Delete source db
       command: delete
       instance_name: "{{ source_db_name }}"
       region: us-east-1

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