jeudi 27 août 2015

EC2 t2.medium burstable credit "savings" calcuation

I am using a T2.medium instance. A third of the day I am doing intensive statistical calculations around a third of the day and figured that the rest 2/3 of the time I would "earn" credits at a rate at 24 per hour.

But that is not happening. This is my usage the last two days:

And this is my credit account:

I hadn´t used it for (more than) a day until yesterday 6 pm. I use it intensive for five hours. Then I would expect my "account" to acummulate 24 credits per hour but for 9-10 hours almost nothing happens, then it acummulate as expected for 9 hours and then goes flat again.

I am unable to figure out what is going on and if it is a fault. Do anyone have a good explanation?

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