I'm trying to upload a video to S3 from javascript using a client managed key according to this documentation
I'm working in meteor (really just node for this application), and my code is in coffeescript.
params = {
Bucket: 'videocache'
Key: 'videos/'+key
#Body: base64data
Body: data
if Meteor.settings.public.s3Encryption
raw_key = <some_binary_string_key>
enc_key = raw_key.toString("base64")
hash = crypto.createHash("md5").update(enc_key, "base64").digest("base64")
params.SSECustomerAlgorithm = 'AES256'
params.SSECustomerKey = enc_key
params.SSECustomerKeyMD5 = hash
((err, data) ->
if err
throw err
Here's the code I'm using to generate the request:
I'm using node's crypto to generate the required md5 hash, but still getting the following error:
error: message=The calculated MD5 hash of the key did not match the
hash that was provided., code=InvalidArgument, time=Thu Aug 27 2015
09:19:49 GMT-0400 (EDT), statusCode=400, retryable=false, retryDelay=30
I've also tried omitting the hash completely since the library is supposed to generate the hash when omitted, with the same results.
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