lundi 3 août 2015

Storage large number of xml documents

I need to storage a large quantity of xml documents in AWS. The projection is about 1,000~3,000/day (700,000/year) with a minimum storage of 5 years. The medium size of this xml documents is around 10 KB so I will take 7 GB of data/year.

This files are generated one by one but the demand to access them is low as it's a legal requirement and the business information will already be in the database.

This files have an internal unique key (44 numeric characters) composed of legal rules and it's secure to save the files with a name based on this key.

The S3 looks a good option due the costs but I will deal with a lot of extra file identifications.

The EBS is more traditional and I could work with a simple folder structure (per client) and store the files with a easy recovery way even in bunch files.

Another option, the EFS, looks promising to but I don't have experience with AWS so I would appreciate the opinion of the community.

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