mercredi 2 septembre 2015

Can I use Amazon SQS as a delay queue before sending to SNS?

My system run on an Amazon autoscaling group and one feature allows user to user messaging and I have the following use case to resolve.

  1. A new message is sent in my application between users.
  2. A message to notify the the user by e-mail is dropped into a queue with a 60 second delay. This delay allows time for a realtime chat client (faye/angularjs) to see the message and mark it as viewed.
  3. After the delay the message is picked up, the "read" status is checked and if it has not been read by the client an e-mail is dispatched.

Originally I was going to use a cronjob on each application server poll the message queue however it occurs to me it would be more efficient to use SNS to call some kind of e-mail sending endpoint (perhaps in Lambda).

I can't see any way to have SNS poll SQS however, can anybody suggest how this could be done? Essentially I want SNS with a delay so that I don't spam somebody in a "live" chat with e-mail alerts.


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