mardi 13 octobre 2015

Elastic transcoding properties width and height

Where to specify the width and height for the file that need to be transcoded. This is my code.

$job = $elasticTranscoder->createJob(array('PipelineId' => 'xx-nxx','OutputKeyPrefix' => 'output2/'.$folder.'/',

    'Input' => array(
    'Key' => $_GET['name'],
    'FrameRate' => 'auto',
    'Resolution' => 'auto',
    'AspectRatio' => '4:3',
    'Interlaced' => 'auto',
    'Container' => 'auto',
   'Outputs' => array(
        'Key' => $out,
        'Rotate' => 'auto',
        'PresetId' =>$p ,

I reffered this aws document and when i included it as

'DetectedProperties' => array(
        'Width' => 540,
        'Height' => 720, ),),

it is saying

"message":"Do not specify a value for 'Input:DetectedProperties',

Need help!!

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