mardi 13 octobre 2015

Updating a file in Amazon S3 bucket

I am trying to append a string to the end of a text file stored in S3. Currently I just read the contents of the file into a String, append my new text and resave the file back to S3. Is there a better way to do this. I am thinkinig when the file is >>> 10MB then reading the entire file would not be a good idea so how should I do this correctly?

Current code [code]

private void saveNoteToFile( String p_note ) throws IOException, ServletException    
    String str_infoFileName =  "myfile.json"; 

    String existingNotes = s3Helper.getfileContentFromS3( str_infoFileName  ); 
    existingNotes += p_note;
    writeStringToS3( str_infoFileName , existingNotes );        

public void writeStringToS3(String p_fileName, String p_data) throws IOException 
  ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( p_data.getBytes());

  try {
      streamFileToS3bucket(  p_fileName, byteArrayInputStream, p_data.getBytes().length);
  catch (AmazonServiceException e)
  } catch (AmazonClientException e)

public void streamFileToS3bucket( String p_fileName,  InputStream input, long size)
    //Create sub folders if there is any in the file name.
    p_fileName = p_fileName.replace("\\", "/");
    if( p_fileName.charAt(0) == '/')
        p_fileName = p_fileName.substring(1, p_fileName.length());
    String folder = getFolderName( p_fileName );
    if( folder.length() > 0)
        if( !doesFolderExist(folder))
            createFolder( folder );
    ObjectMetadata metadata =  new ObjectMetadata();
    AccessControlList acl = new AccessControlList();
    acl.grantPermission(GroupGrantee.AllUsers, Permission.Read);

    s3Client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucket, p_fileName , input,metadata).withAccessControlList(acl));


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