I have a RoR application on AWS. My app is using SolR for the search engine, but after each deployment, the app is unable to index again. So I have to reset permissions and restart Solr manually with:
chmod 777 -R /solr /tmp /log
RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:stop # or I kill the processus if it doesn't work :D
RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:start
RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:reindex
Now i'm trying to setup it as an eb extension to automate the deployment. Here is what I tried in my .ebextensions/deploy.config:
command: chmod 700 .ebextensions/setup.sh
command: bash .ebextensions/setup.sh
And here is the setup.sh script:
chmod 777 -R solr/ log/ tmp/
RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:restart
The result is the deployment doesn't fail but, only the permissions are changed correctly, and the solr service is running but when I try to index something, it fails (the querying works fine).
I also tried to stop the server before the app is deployed by adding a commands block in my .ebextensions/deploy.config (and I changed my sh script to start the service instead of restart) :
command: cd /var/app/current & RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:stop
I got this error (I don't know from where it is executed):
[2015-06-25T09:51:35.510Z] INFO [13207] - [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/EbExtensionPreBuild/Infra-EmbeddedPreBuild/prebuild_0_My_First_Elastic_Beanstalk_Application/Command 1_stop_solr] : Activity execution failed, because: rake aborted! couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding `~'
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