vendredi 26 juin 2015

AWS S3 cloudfront IN-BUILT password protected video streaming for Wordpress Based LMS (learning management system)?

I’m trying to setup Wordpress Based LMS (learning management system). For Protection of videos content I choose s3media stream. It use AWS s3 cloudfront for streaming of video to protect against download. It also have lots of more features like:

  1. Dynamic watermark
  2. Expiring URLs
  3. Brand and Monetize
  4. Poster Images….etc MORE DETAILS

As wordpress use plugins (membership plugins) to provide access to members to view course videos, there is chance some NINJA hacker bypass plugins protections and view videos. Therefore along with these protections I would like to add password protected video feature similar like vimeo pro

So my question: Is AWS s3 cloudfront has in-built password protected streaming feature ? i.e streaming start only from s3 cloudfront to my site server when user provide key (This key I can send manually to user mobiles)

Or some KEY- encryption based solutions to protect video content? (Because AWS is robust against HACKER Attacks)

Anybody already work on such kind of protects please help me.

Any other suggestions for such wordpress based LMS are also welcome :)

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