mercredi 24 décembre 2014

On a single machine with cloudera, H2O starts to launch but times out in 120 seconds

I am now trying to run it on cloudera on AWS, but having a problem: H2O starts to launch but times out in 120 seconds

What I did:

  1. I created a single m1.xlarge instance on AWS, then installed the latest CDH with the free license.

  2. I was sure that the CDH is running smoothly.

  3. I increased the maximun java heap size to 1G for hdfs, mapreduce and yarn.

  4. I downloaded and unzipped the latest h2o tool, currently it is I also tried

  5. I ran hadoop jar h2odriver_hdp2.1.jar water.hadoop.h2odriver -libjars ../h2o.jar -mapperXmx 256m -nodes 1 -output hdfsOutputDirName

  6. It starts to launch but times out in 120 seconds.

  7. I tried different jar files, hdp2.0, cdh4, cdh4_yarn, but they are not the solution.

I found the possible reason and solution here: They are

  1. Heap Size Restriction.

  2. Communication between nodes.

But it seems not working with my case because

  1. I think I've already taken care about the max heap size restriction.

  2. I am only testing it on a single machine.

I wish I could know the reason behind the failures.

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