lundi 20 avril 2015

Amazon MWS product creation example xmls needed

I am currently having some problems using the Amazon API to push products from my store into the amazon environment.

Specifically the of a _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed troubles me.

It is more or less a trial and error thing to get all the tags for different types of products correctly.

Until now I managed to get the following categories correct: Home, Sports, ToysBaby, Clothing... but as I said it is a very unefficient trial end error thing to try to get the correct tags from the supplied .xsd files from amazon.

Is there a way to generate exemplary .xml out of amazons .xsd files? (I already tried some online tools, but they did not like the .xsds provided by amazon. And the php extension SDO DAS XML seems to be obsolete)

Thanks in advance!

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