jeudi 28 mai 2015

Apache + mod_uwsgi + Django + AWS ELB on centos6

I have a problem with Django application under Apache and mod_uwsgi behind Elastic Load Balancer.

Application work fine when accessing by IP or Domain Name, but if i setting ELB in front of it, Django Application stop working, i have only static files(which server by apache) and 502 BAD GATEWAY error in browser and no errors at all on the server, when trying to access Django application.

UWSGI config:

socket = /tmp/uwsgi.sock
pidfile = /var/run/

Httpd Config:

<Location / >
    SetHandler uwsgi-handler
    uWSGISocket /tmp/uwsgi.sock
<Location /static >
    SetHandler default-handler
<Location /static/admin/ >
    SetHandler default-handler
<Location /media >
    SetHandler default-handler
<Location /downloads/ >
   SetHandler default-handler

<Directory /home/www/sources/my_project/project/static >
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from All
 #The rest directories also declared

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