mardi 29 septembre 2015

Amazon EC2 boot time

Our web app performs a random number of tasks for a user initiated action. We have built a small system where a master server calculates the number of worker servers that are needed to complete the task, and the same number of EC2 instances are "Turned On" which pick up the tasks and perform the same.

"Turned On" because the time taken to span an instance from an AMI is extremely high. So the idea is have a pool of worker instances and start and stop them as per requirement.

Also considering how amazon charges when you start up an instance (You are billed for 1 hour every time you Turn on an instance). The workers once spawned will be active for an hour and will accept other tasks during this period.

We have managed to get this architecture up and running, however the boot up time still bothers us as it fluctuates between 40 to 80 seconds. Is there some way we can reduce the same.

Below is the stack information of the things running on the worker instance

  • Ubuntu AMI
  • Node JS (using forever-service for auto startup on boot)
  • Docker (the tasks are performed inside individual docker containers)

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