vendredi 27 février 2015

AWS- Assoction with VPC using python boto

how to get aws VPC with all attached services like route table,insance,subnets and all using python boto? can do like tree strucres please if u have any idea share with me below code is i have did i have problems with filters can help with u r solutions pleas?

  1. from boto.vpc import VPCConnection import boto.ec2 from boto.ec2 import EC2Connection

    ec2_conn = EC2Connection()
    ec2s = ec2_conn.get_all_instances()

    region = boto.ec2.regions()
    print region
    print region[0]
    vpc_conn = VPCConnection()

    vpcs = vpc_conn.get_all_vpcs()
    for vpc in vpcs:
    print" %35s " %vpc

    subnets = vpc_conn.get_all_subnets(filters={ 'vpc_id': })
    for subnet in subnets:
    print" %45s "
    '''print" %45s " %subnet.availability_zone
    print" %45s " %subnet.cidr_block
    print '' '''

    route_tables = vpc_conn.get_all_route_tables(filters={ 'vpc_id': })
    for route in route_tables:
    print" %55s " %route
    print ''

    acls = vpc_conn.get_all_network_acls(filters={ 'vpc_id': })
    for acl in acls:
    print" %55s " %acl
    print ''

    enis = vpc_conn.get_all_network_interfaces(filters={ 'vpc_id': })
    for eni in enis:
    print" %55s " %eni
    print ''

    instance = vpc_conn.get_all_instances(filters={ 'vpc_id':})
    for inst in instance:
    print" %55s " %inst

    typ = vpc_conn.get_all_internet_gateways(filters={'attachment.vpc-id':}) for i in typ: print" %55s " %i

    typ3 = vpc_conn.get_all_security_groups(filters={'vpc_id':})
    for t3 in typ3:
    print" %55s " %t3

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