vendredi 27 février 2015

Expanding a property inline in PowerShell

I've been trying to construct a simple output from an AWS Route53 query in PowerShell that would have Name, Type and Values. However, the values are stored as ResourceRecords and I cannot manage to get them to show up properly, after hours of trying.

Here's a bit of code to show what I mean:

PS> $(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId "/hostedzone/xxx").ResourceRecordSets | Select Name,Type,ResourceRecords

Name Type ResourceRecords
---- ---- --------------- A {Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecord} MX {Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecord} NS {Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecord... SOA {Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecord}

As you can see the last column isn't expanded. This returns the last column:

PS> $cmd | Where {$_.Type -eq "NS"} | Select ResourceRecords

While this returns the proper records:

PS> $cmd | Where {$_.Type -eq "NS"} | Select -ExpandProperty ResourceRecords

I just can't manage to get that last column to display those values. I've tried:

PS> $(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId "/hostedzone/xxx").ResourceRecordSets | Select Name,Type,@{Name='Value';Expression={$_.ResourceRecords | Select -ExpandProperty ResourceRecord}}

PS> $(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId "/hostedzone/xxx").ResourceRecordSets | Select Name,Type,@{Name='Value';Expression={$_.ResourceRecords | Select -ExpandProperty ResourceRecord -Replace "`n"," "}}

PS> $(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId "/hostedzone/xxx").ResourceRecordSets | Select Name,Type,@{Name='Values';Expression={$_.ResourceRecords | Select -ExpandProperty ResourceRecords | Out-String}}

None of which work, they all show an empty third column. The only way I made it work is to manually write each value with a foreach:

PS> $(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId "/hostedzone/Z1W5966G1TGW7S").ResourceRecordSets | foreach { $_.Name; $_.Type; $_ | Select -ExpandProperty ResourceRecords}

But I want to keep it in columns, with the last column showing each record with a space in between. I don't know where to go from here.

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