jeudi 26 février 2015

Only allow touchscreen for Amazon Mechanical Turk

I'm trying to create an Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT with my own website where I want workers to only use a touchscreen device. What's the best way to ensure that my workers are only using a touchscreen and not a mouse? (If you're curious, this is for a research experiment where I need to record touch movements on the screen.)

Would the best way be to add event listeners to only touch events, such as "pointerdown" and "touchstart" and not "mousedown", etc.? Unfortunately, it seems that some browsers (e.g., IE on Windows 8 and chrome & firefox on Ubuntu) don't receive these touch events... I know that I won't be able to make this compatible with all browsers on all types of touch devices, but given that I want to make sure I am not getting mouse inputs, what's the best way to achieve the most compatibility?

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