mardi 28 avril 2015

Dynamo DB Concepts

I know some of the questions I am going to be asked will be so silly, but I am new to Dynamo Db and I have a lot of confusion about it.

My questions are :

  1. After going through concept of Hash and Range key through this post What is Hash and Range Primary Key? I am thinking that is it possible to create a Range key which is not a part of Primary key. Suppose I want to define a Table Orders {**Id**,Date,Name....} with Id as a Hash Key and Date as a Range Key and Date not as a part of Primary Key.

  2. Is it possible to query a Table consisting Primary key as Hash and Range Key with only Hash key or Range key ? Like In Table orders {**ID,Date**,Address,Quantity....} say I have defined primary key as Hash and Range Key with ID as Hash Key and Date as Range key. Can we query on table using only ID or Date but not both ?

  3. What is the concept of projected attributes while creating a Local Secondary Index and Global Secondary Index ?

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