lundi 1 juin 2015

How to offline check SSL certificate chain?


I am periodically uploading & updating SSL certificates for AWS' elastic load balancers.

The annoying point is, that I submit certificate, private key and certificate chain and configure the load balancer but the interface is not validating the certificate on-the-fly. So when I actually press "CREATE LOAD BALANCER" I receive error messages regarding missing intermediate certificates or similar. I am not able to go back and correct the configuration. I have to start the whole process again. Not cool. ;)


So what I am looking for is an offline- or online-service where I can post my certificat-chain that will then tell me that its the complete chain. Or not. There are some websites like who offer some nice services to check existing websites, but I dont know any tool where I can just post the certificate-chain as plain text.

any help appreciated, thanks in advance!

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