vendredi 28 août 2015

AWS free tier with no upfront reservation

When looking into the billing sheet of my AWS account, I discovered a strange thing. I would be glad if someone explained it to me or point me to an official documentation talking about this.

I am using several EC2 instances (t2.micro) with both Windows and Linux. According to Amazon, I am eligible for having some of them as part of the free tier - and I had, since one instance from both Linux and Windows were priced for 0 and the billing sheet claimed that they are part of the free tier.

What I did was purchasing no upfront reservations for all the Linux instances (forgetting that one of them is eligible for the free tier) and in the upcoming billing, I discovered that Amazon did not charge me for one of that reservations (so the free tier was still applied).

This is not an issue with partial or all-upfront instances since Amazon will charge me for the full price of the reservations (as I tested out) but no upfront reservations are treated differently.

This seems like either a bug or an undocumented feature so I am curious how to explain this behaviour to myself.

I am not complaining that Amazon gave me this benefit but I am working on a project on which I am using AWS pricing and I would like to know the mechanism behind reservations and in which cases they are compatible with free tier (did not find any mention about this issue in the documentation).

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