lundi 12 octobre 2015

Issues with Amazon IoT Rules with DynamoDB and Lambda

I am currently going through the "Quick Start" tutorial for Amazon IoT and I have gotten to the point where I am configuring my rules and test rules. I can see my rules in my aws console under Amazon IoT, along with my thing, cert, and policy. I am using Mosquitto like they suggest for testing it, and I can see my message when I subscribe to my topic.

But I am having an issue that, when I publish a message, I don't see anything in my DynamoDB or the CloudWatch logs from Lambda. And in IoT, I am able to create a resource and see my roles, db table, and lambda function as if it's working. I am keeping to what the tutorial is saying and nothing extra. I can't find any other forum that has discussed Amazon IoT or is having this issue.

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