mardi 24 février 2015

S3TransferManager-Sample | Integration in xcode 5.1 project

I am new to Amazon AWS and currently trying to integrate AWSiOSSDKv2 in my xcode 5.1 project. I have tried running their S3TransferManager-Sample by installing dependencies through cocoa-pods. The sample project does not compile on xcode 5.1 but when I run the same sample on xcode 6.0.1 it runs fine.

The issue is somewhat compatibility with ios 7. as UICKeyChainStore.h & UICKeyChainStore.m have 17 errors in total.

"kSecAccessControlUserPresence" is used in UICKeyChainStore.h but is not provided in security framework for ios 7

can you please guide me how to use the latest amazon SDK in my xcode 5.1 project? Am I doing something wrong here?

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