dimanche 14 juin 2015

Error while configuring OrientDB's distributed server on EC2.

I'm running two instances of EC2 and have configured OrientDB on both. I wanted to run a distributed database. I tried to configure hazelcast but I'm stuck. This is currently the part of my hazelcast.xml

          <multicast enabled="false">
          <tcp-ip enabled="true">
          <aws enabled="false">

  1. How exactly should I configure if I want to manually set the IP? When I manually set the IP, the way i have above, I get a socket connection refused error. In my security settings of the instance, I have allowed all TCP connections.
  2. If I want to use EC2's auto-discovery feature, I set aws-enabled='true', set the others to false. I'm not sure what should I fill up in the access-key and secret-key fields.

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