dimanche 29 mars 2015

ELK stack cluster health yellow and Kibana doesn't work

I am trying-out installing and setting up ELK stack on AWS. However I'm having trouble with Logstash and Kibana. I currently have 2 Elastic search instances and they are load balanced and working well. However, when I hit http://load_balance_url:9200/_plugin/head/ , I get the following result:

enter image description here

And when I load Kibana URL, this is what I get:

Kibana: Unknown error while connecting to Elasticsearch Error: Internal Server Error at respond (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:81566:15) at checkRespForFailure (KIBANA_URL/index.js?_b=5930:81534:7) at KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:80203:7 at wrappedErrback (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:20882:78) at wrappedErrback (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:20882:78) at wrappedErrback (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:20882:78) at KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:21015:76 at Scope.$eval (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:22002:28) at Scope.$digest (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:21814:31) at Scope.$apply (KIBANA_URL:5601/index.js?_b=5930:22106:24)

I have been following along this tutorial and you can imagine most of settings in my AWS is same as in the video.


Under instances tag of my load balancer, it says I have 2 exact instances with following status Name: Elasticsearch, zone: ap-southeast-1a, Status: InService

And I have 2 available subnets but one states it is "No (Availability Zone contains no healthy instances)"

subnet 1: zone: ap-southeast-1b Subnet CIDR: Instance Count: 0 Healthy?: No (Availability Zone contains no healthy instances)

subnet 2

zone: ap-southeast-1a Subnet CIDR: Instance Count: 2 Healthy?: Yes

Elasticsearch config:

cluster.name: awstutorialseries

cloud.aws.access_key: my aws access key

cloud.aws.secret_key: my aws secret key

cloud.aws.region: ap-southeast-1a

discovery.type: ec2

discovery.ec2.tag.Name: "AWS Tutorial Series - Elasticsearch"

http.cors.enabled: true

http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

Please help me out with troubleshooting it. Please leave in the reply if you need more information from my current set up. Thank you.

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