vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Camel, Amazon SQS - No type converter available to convert from type: java.lang.String to the required type:

I am currently working on a Spring Application using Camel which is going to poll SQS as an entry point into the application (1st route). I am successfully able to Achieve this using Spring's XML based Approach.

My AmazonSQSClient Bean:

<bean id="sqsClient" class="">
<constructor-arg ref="sqsCredentialsProvider" />
<property name="endpoint" value="${aws.sqs.endpoint}" />

My Camel Route:

<route id="pollMessages">
<from id="sqsEndpoint" uri="" />
<to uri="direct:readSQSMessage" />

Everything works as I want at this point with the above approach.

Now I am trying to migrate all my beans and Camel Configuration to Java Based Approach.

I have created my Amazon SQS Client Bean as following:

public AmazonSQS sqsClient(){
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
AmazonSQSClient client = new AmazonSQSClient(sqsCredentialsProvider(), clientConfiguration);

return client;

And, I am creating Camel route (snippet) looks like:

public CamelContext camelContext() throws Exception{
CamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext();

camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {



return camelContext;

However, I am getting errors using this approach:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find a suitable setter for property: amazonSQSClient as there isn't a setter method with same type: java.lang.String nor type conversion possible: No type converter available to convert from type: java.lang.String to the required type: with value #sqsClient

I read here how to construct a Java style Camel Route

I read here that I need to bind the AWS Client to Registry (registry.bind) but I am not able to find a bind method on any Registry except JNDI

I tried this as well:

SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry();
registry.put("sqsClient", sqsClient());

CamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(registry);

But got same error.

I searched a lot and tried reading up, plan to keep doing more but am unable to find any complete example doing what I need to do. Snippets are helping much here.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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