lundi 5 janvier 2015

Edit url for non static (website) s3 bucket?

I have created a S3 bucket named "". The purpose of this bucket is to simply serve the executables (exes) when a user clicks on a link Download to download the file. Here the href attribute as one can see is ""

My intention here is to change the url that the user sees on hover to "" - one way of achieveing it is to have this url on the href and redirect it to the download file on click- which is working.

I would like to know if there is any record set "Cname" or "Alias" that I can create on the "Route 53" of AWS to achieve the same. I read about virtual hosting articles for which the bucket needs to be configured as a static site- which doesn't seem right for my purpose in addition to not having default site page. What is the right approach for me to achieve the same? Thank you all.

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