dimanche 11 janvier 2015

URL is Amazon S3 or S3 with CloudDrive?

I want to get this URL... I get the encription of 1 term, what the others i don't have... I need help with that.

$signature = urlencode(base64_encode((hash_hmac("sha1", utf8_encode($string_to_sign), $AWS_s3_secret_key, TRUE))));

$authentication_params = "AWSAccessKeyId=".$AWS_S3_KEY;
$authentication_params.= "&Expires={$expires}";
$authentication_params.= "&Signature={$signature}";

return $link;

and i want this URL:


how can i get this URL?

PD: the first part after "/" is the bucket and the filename (i guess), how can i get this on a normal string to encrypted??? For example: "$bucket = "string here"" -> A1U8PWYOT4FQ20

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